Saturday, November 2, 2013

How To Find Out Your True Value

Three things are regarded as priceless, as they come about due to the grace of the Supreme Being:  Human birth, longing for liberation and the protective care of an enlightened guru. Despite having been blessed by human birth, the one who does not make efforts to realise the Self, ‘kills’ himself by clinging  to things unreal. 

Once a disciple of Guru Nanakdev asked him: “What is the value of human birth ’?  Before answering this question, Nanak handed over a diamond to the disciple and asked him to have it evaluated in the market to find out its price. 

As instructed, the disciple took the diamond to the market and began showing it to different shopkeepers. He first went to the fruit-seller, asking him, ‘what shall you give me in return for this’?  ‘I will give you three apples in exchange for this diamond’, said the fruit-seller.  Next, he went to a tomato-seller and placed before him the same question. ‘I will give you five kilos of tomatoes in exchange for the diamond’, said the tomato-seller.  The disciple then went to a   jeweller, requesting him to appraise the diamond. After examining the diamond, the jeweller offered to him Rs 20,000/-. The disciple then got the diamond evaluated by several jewellers and each offered him a little more money, the maximum being Rs 50,000/-. 

Finally, the disciple went to the most renowned and reputed jeweller in town and requested him to value its price. The jeweller placed the diamond on his palm and, after examining it very closely he was struck with awe and kept gazing at it in disbelief.  The jeweller finally said: “O brother, don’t ever think of selling this diamond. It is priceless.” 

Bringing the diamond back to Nanakdev, the disciple narrated to him the entire experience. Nanak then remarked: “Hope you now understand the value of being born as a human being.”  

The human body, says Swami Vivekananda, is “the greatest body in the universe, and a human being is the greatest being. Even the devas, gods, will have to come down again and attain salvation through a human body.”

In the Bhagavata Purana  it is stated  that  human life is unattainable even to the gods and that such life  is attained only  after going through  84 lakh births as different species. Therefore, it would be foolish to fritter away the precious moments of one’s life in pursuit of transitory objects of the world. 

Life, youth, wealth, kinsfolk, spouse and children are all akin to the  shadow of a fickle cloud. These are like a mirage that appears under the influence of the deluding power (maya) of the Lord which has no real existence.  The glitter of the world is just like coating of nectar on the surface of a poisonous jar. Although the world seems bewitching, everything we see here is perishable.  

Kabir sang, “You are like a traveller who comes and goes. You accumulate wealth and take pride in your riches. But when you leave, you will take nothing with you. You came into this world with your fists clenched, but when you go your hands will be open”.  

Therefore, wake up from your slumber; adopt an attitude of dispassion; and make the best of this priceless human birth by delving deep into the innermost chambers of your heart  through meditation and realising the eternal Self. Post your comments at


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