Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Spirituality And Fanaticism - No, They Are Not The Same!

There are people who humbly say that they are highly religious. There is yet another group of people who claim proudly that religion means nothing to them. The second class is called Atheists. But this article is definitely not about them. Here we are going to scrutinize only the first class- those who claim to be AA€˜pious and god fearing€™.
God fearing? Did we hear it right? But ISA€™t that just the opposite of what a religious person should be? Should€™t he/ she be god loving instead? The answers to all these questions hide in one simple concept. A concept which dives into the difference between being spiritual and being superstitious and fanatic. The first group approach religion with the right mind set. They question and learn through experience before accepting or rejecting anything. For them god is love, protection, knowledge and enlightenment which leads to ultimate salvation. They love god, rather than fearing him... IA€™m sorry IT (Yes, obviously the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient god cannot be a mere human HIM or HER. It is a power way beyond GENDER, class, race, symbols and rituals. The second group discussed above, who can be rightly labeled as superstitious and fanatic try to force religion upon oneself and others by blindly following and aping things. For them god is a dictator with a heavy ego, who is hell bent upon finding small mistakes to punish them. They fear god, and in most cases for such people, god is a man with human qualities like ego and anger. If at all they realize otherwise, their hypocrisy still OA€™t accept the fact. They just prefer being stuck in their world of meaningless rituals, fearing to come out and look up to the true enlightening power called god, which is nothing but pure love. The presence of such people in large numbers in societies has resulted in the formation of a large number of religions. They generally have two reasons for forming or becoming a part of a particular religion or religious outfit. Either they are too scared to question things, or they prefer using religion, religious laws and values etc as weapons to be imposed upon other to subjugate and exploit them. Such fanatics behave as if they have acquired the copyright for any particular religion and IA€™s values. They then come up with new religion based political outfits and new laws every other day according to their own convenience, and try to impose them upon others in the society, calling them AA€˜cultural and religious€˜ values.
So much said about those who live in the darkness, let us take an oath that we would not become one among them, but instead follow the path of those truly spiritual and proud people like Swami Vivian, Guru Nana, Swami China and Scree Maryland Guru among others who truly approached and found god through the right kind of questioning, learning and reasoning. Let us declare from the heart that we would follow their footsteps.
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