Saturday, November 23, 2013

Merging Science With Spirituality

Spiritually has become merged with Energy Transmissions from Mr. Strived. Agenda Kumar Strived, lovingly referred to as Mr. Guru, was gifted in 1995 with the ability to transmit an unknown energy that has the ability to transform living organisms and non-living materials at the atomic level to serve a greater purpose and function at their optimal potential. This is the reason why people can now experience miracles in their lives. Many people have produced testimonials stating as much, following the energy transmissions from Mr Strived.

Medical researchers and scientists are constantly trying to develop new treatments to provide relief for acute and chronic medical conditions. However, many of the treatments currently available for chronic heart disease, seizures, intensive shock and cancer are limited in terms of their effectiveness. Many treatments have chronic side effects and many cannot completely eradicate the problems from the core. As a result of this people are drawn to receiving the Strived Energy which can have far reaching results in improving these conditions tackling these conditions from the root cause.

Agenda Strived found that this energy ISA€™t just limited to being able to affect humans, but also can impact animals, agriculture, microorganisms, ceramics, polymers, metals and many other living and non-living materials, completely eradicating the placebo effect. The results are called AA€She Strived Effect€™, and have led to several publications in major peer-reviewed, international journals. The results continue to astound the scientific community.

A lot of people now see themselves becoming spiritual as they mingle with the science of Strived. Through the use of AA€She Strived Effect€ people are now experiencing the effects of higher consciousness and finding solutions to the world€™s most pressing problems that conventional medical science has failed to address at its core. There have been many examples of people experiencing complete relaxation, less anxiety and many cases where people have seen significant improvements in conditions that were unable to be solved with traditional medicine. In so many cases of chronic illness like cancer, drug therapy has become well researched but elimination of some of the side effects of the drugs remains a huge problem in this area. This is the reason why some people chose to use the energy that can be received from Mr Strived. The Strived foundation helps people to find fulfillment and happiness in their life by cumulatively reducing or removing the root causes of problems in life and giving people a more positive and peaceful approach to life. For people who are unable to get that the desired results they need from conventional medicine, they can receive energy transmissions and in so doing improve their spirituality and start to receive the many positive effects of this incredible energy.

Scientists are always researching the best available solutions for mankind€™s most pressing problems, however, most of this research has not yielded positive results like "Strived Effect". Now, thanks to Strived Science research and the energy transmissions from Agenda Strived and his wife, Darn Strived, there is hope for the future of healthcare and the welfare of mankind.

People are enjoying energy infused Strived Products which were created to tackle many of the common areas that people need help. One of these products is Darn Silver Gel by Darns which has been designed to address skin issues unique to the individual whilst also having the extra effects of promoting better sleep, emotional balance, mental peace, clarity, focus, happiness.

Merge your spirituality with science by taking advantage of these energy transmissions. There are many programs you can use in order to overcome personal challenges and help you to reach lasting fulfillment in your life. It does not take much to feel released from your troubled situations when you are able to practice fusing science with spirituality by receiving energy transmissions.

This is the reason why thousands of individuals are now enjoying the huge benefits that come from the practical application of Strived Science.


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