Saturday, November 23, 2013

Illusionary Spiritual Experiences in the Path of Spirituality

An aspirant as he makes progress in his spiritual path begins to experience varieties of spiritual experiences. The seeker who has established himself in purity, self control and concentration of mind can perceive the experiences which are beyond the explanation by five senses; mind and intellect are known as mystical or spiritual experiences.

Spiritual experiences and visions are the faint glimpses of supreme consciousness. The visions or experiences serves as milestones of progress on the path of spirituality. There are certain signs by which an aspirant's progress in spiritual path can be ascertained they are:

Mystical experiences: 

  •     The seeker can sense or experience the subtle essence of earth, air, fire, water and ether by his five senses. He can enjoy heavenly fragrances, flavor, sound and touch by concentrating on his five senses. 
  •     Experience the state of eternal bliss. 
  •     Upsurge of great current in one's solar plexus, it is felt like an erupting volcano. 
  •     Vision of inner light is experienced. 
  •     The object of concentration becomes clearer, real and distinct for the seeker. 
  •     Spiritual dreams and dreamless sleep are experienced. 

Experience of spiritual emotions:

  •     Stupor [dizziness], tears, loss of consciousness, choking of voice, trembling[Shake involuntarily], paleness of complexion, origination[The bristling of the body hair]and perspiration [sweating]are the some spiritual emotions experienced in the path of spirituality. 
  •     The seeker can experience one or more than one emotions at a time. When the seeker experience more than five or six spiritual emotional experiences he may lose all body consciousness. 

Attainments of psychic powers:

  •     The power of clairvoyance, charade, telepathy, hypnosis, conquest of hunger and thirst, ability to make oneself invisible, light weight, big and small are some psychic ability gained by the spiritual seeker. 
  •     The experiences of psychic powers I serve as the milestone of progress for an aspirant giving him inspiration and self confidence. 

What are FALSE spiritual experiences? 

  •     Not all the experiences and realizations are authentic and they cannot always give an accurate measure of seeker's progress in the path of spirituality. 
  •     Many spiritual experiences are merely imaginary tricks of one's mind, self- delusion, self- deception and the conclusions obtained from the experiences in dreams and hallucinations.These pseudo perceptions may induce FALSE spiritual experiences in the seeker. 
  •     Outer world entities or invisible forces of fourth plane may manipulate the mind and psyche of a person, to misguide him on the path of spirituality. The seeker influenced by these entities may experience FALSE spiritual experiences. 
  •     These FALSE experiences are not authentic and they do not indicate any spiritual advancement. 

Who induces pseudo experiences in aspirant?

  •     Seeker's own mind can induce the FALSE spiritual experiences by self- delusion, fabrication, wrong thinking and exaggeration. 
  •     The power full mentors/ cult-guru/ religious- teacher/antic /underlining yogi's can also manipulate the spiritual experience of the seeker. The seeker may feel sudden uplift in spiritual emotions or the feeling of ecstasy in the presence of a great spiritual personality and can easily misunderstood them as his owns spiritual advancement. 
  •     Outer world entities also known as aliens, reptilians etc can manipulate the visions, thoughts, memories, emotions of the seeker to control the seeker/world by gaining excess vital energy. 
  •     Sexual vampires are the entities feed themselves on the life-force energy generated by sexual- activities. These entities may induce the experiences of unnatural sex, rape, elevated sexuality in the seekers in his dreams or trance state. 
  •     Invisible entities of this plane consisting of spirits having unfulfilled desires can create illusionary spiritual experiences in an individual in order to misguide him on the path of spirituality. 
  •     Sorcerers/vampires having higher mystical power can also manipulate the spiritual experiences. 

Consequences of FALSE or pseudo spiritual experiences: 

  •     FALSE spiritual experiences have a tendency to cause pride and ego in the seeker. The enhanced psychic abilities, healing power and elevated consciousness, filled the seeker with the sense of elevated self- achievement and self -fulfillment. 
  •     The FALSE or pseudo spiritual experiences as the result of manipulation of the dreams, thoughts and emotions of the seeker, these experiences misguide him on the real path of spirituality. 
  •     Repeated dreams of perverted sexuality, rape, fear, hate, anger and enmity are the symptoms of pseudo-spiritual experiences induces by subtle entities. 
  •     The seeker may fall in the FALSE or pseudo perception of elevated consciousness, enlightenment and blessings of the desired deity's grace. These self-satisfaction feelings do not indicate any spiritual progress. 
  •     In the long term the FALSE spiritual experiences induce the feeling of delusion, distress, guilt and psychosis in the seeker. Misgivings and feelings of frustration often sway his mind. 
  •     The seeker will become bankrupt of all his spiritual earnings. In the long term with his shattered energy field the seeker may miss the Supreme -Goal. 


Asylum For The Spiritually Insane

People who are spiritual can go crazy! As they evolve spiritually, their minds split, and they are forced to live in two worlds. The first world is that of man, where people need to be successful, famous, and powerful. The second world is that of God, where people need to be humble, meek, and modest. How can people play by two different sets of rules? How can they become spiritual without giving in to their desires? They do it by allowing themselves to be completely free.

There are a lot of scandals about priest, gurus, and spiritual leaders. However, very few people realize that their roles have changed significantly throughout the years. In ancient times, priest and shamans lived in one world, the world of God. They spent virtually all of their time meditating, praying, and conducting rituals. They were isolated yet supported by the greater community. They had no use for money and basically provided their services for free.

Today, aside from some faith-based organizations, priest and priestess are forced to live in the world of man. They need to put food on the table, put clothes on their kids back, amass members and build a solid reputation for their institutions. Now, priest and spiritual leaders are an integral part of the community and are susceptible to the vices of modern man. They are tortured by the voices of temptation. Voices that tell them that they need to be fame monsters, build huge temples, and have millions of followers.

But how do people do this without taking more than what they need? How can people amass power, money, and fame, without exploiting the very people they strive to teach? Some spirit leaders who are successful become racked with guilt, because the voices from the world of God tell them that they should be doing more. So they take the edge off by assuaging their guilt, by giving to charities and providing more services to the community.

Yet, the voices from the world of man continue. If they give too much, they will run out of money, lose their fame, fortune and respectability. So they plunge deeper into the world of man. They feel that they need to be powerful and have more control. This is when they really start to go off the deep end. They have larger than life ideas; they suffer from delusions of grandeur and start to believe that they are the Messiah. Their members are no longer disciples, but slaves that are subservient to their master.

These spiritual leaders are being torn apart by two opposing forces and eventually, they are going to go absolutely, completely insane! It happens everyday, in all faiths and religions. Priest and spiritual leaders eventually become hypocrites because no one can live by two different sets of rules. They need to make a choice, and live in the world of God. And much like the great Messiahs, they need to forfeit control, over their lives and others. They need to become free. Freedom is exhilarating, and blissful, but it is not safe, or predictable. This is the world of God.

Merging Science With Spirituality

Spiritually has become merged with Energy Transmissions from Mr. Strived. Agenda Kumar Strived, lovingly referred to as Mr. Guru, was gifted in 1995 with the ability to transmit an unknown energy that has the ability to transform living organisms and non-living materials at the atomic level to serve a greater purpose and function at their optimal potential. This is the reason why people can now experience miracles in their lives. Many people have produced testimonials stating as much, following the energy transmissions from Mr Strived.

Medical researchers and scientists are constantly trying to develop new treatments to provide relief for acute and chronic medical conditions. However, many of the treatments currently available for chronic heart disease, seizures, intensive shock and cancer are limited in terms of their effectiveness. Many treatments have chronic side effects and many cannot completely eradicate the problems from the core. As a result of this people are drawn to receiving the Strived Energy which can have far reaching results in improving these conditions tackling these conditions from the root cause.

Agenda Strived found that this energy ISA€™t just limited to being able to affect humans, but also can impact animals, agriculture, microorganisms, ceramics, polymers, metals and many other living and non-living materials, completely eradicating the placebo effect. The results are called AA€She Strived Effect€™, and have led to several publications in major peer-reviewed, international journals. The results continue to astound the scientific community.

A lot of people now see themselves becoming spiritual as they mingle with the science of Strived. Through the use of AA€She Strived Effect€ people are now experiencing the effects of higher consciousness and finding solutions to the world€™s most pressing problems that conventional medical science has failed to address at its core. There have been many examples of people experiencing complete relaxation, less anxiety and many cases where people have seen significant improvements in conditions that were unable to be solved with traditional medicine. In so many cases of chronic illness like cancer, drug therapy has become well researched but elimination of some of the side effects of the drugs remains a huge problem in this area. This is the reason why some people chose to use the energy that can be received from Mr Strived. The Strived foundation helps people to find fulfillment and happiness in their life by cumulatively reducing or removing the root causes of problems in life and giving people a more positive and peaceful approach to life. For people who are unable to get that the desired results they need from conventional medicine, they can receive energy transmissions and in so doing improve their spirituality and start to receive the many positive effects of this incredible energy.

Scientists are always researching the best available solutions for mankind€™s most pressing problems, however, most of this research has not yielded positive results like "Strived Effect". Now, thanks to Strived Science research and the energy transmissions from Agenda Strived and his wife, Darn Strived, there is hope for the future of healthcare and the welfare of mankind.

People are enjoying energy infused Strived Products which were created to tackle many of the common areas that people need help. One of these products is Darn Silver Gel by Darns which has been designed to address skin issues unique to the individual whilst also having the extra effects of promoting better sleep, emotional balance, mental peace, clarity, focus, happiness.

Merge your spirituality with science by taking advantage of these energy transmissions. There are many programs you can use in order to overcome personal challenges and help you to reach lasting fulfillment in your life. It does not take much to feel released from your troubled situations when you are able to practice fusing science with spirituality by receiving energy transmissions.

This is the reason why thousands of individuals are now enjoying the huge benefits that come from the practical application of Strived Science.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Changing Yourself Can Be Easy

All of us have an idea as to what needs to be improved in ourselves. Based on this realisation we constantly plan to bring various small and big changes in our life. In present times some of the changes that people are desperately trying to bring in their selves include quitting vices such as addictions, rage, greed and envy, developing healthier habits of diet control and physical exercise, improving one’s intimate relationships, enhancing efforts to achieve the desired goal and being calm in the face of adversities and so on. 

Usually, a plan to execute change is made and carried out but success is often elusive. After the initial few days of excitement and efforts the old dysfunctional pattern takes over and the person is back to square one. Even changing the smallest habit appears to be a mammoth task. Why do we fail even after the best of intentions and efforts? This is when people blame their circumstances, fate and lack of support as the main culprits. However, upon deep introspection one realises that the answer lies within. How easy is it to change oneself? It is quite simple if we understand the barriers to change that exist within and deal with it appropriately. 

The first barrier to any change is our tendency to deny or downplay the problem. When we become aware of a problem in ourselves, it injures our self-love and brings fear and pain. In order to restore self-esteem and eradicate fear people take refuge in denial and trivialisation. Thus, they convince themselves and the world that either the problem does not exist or it is not important. However, if people can understand the process of denial and face their pain and frustration, the urge and effort to change will come automatically.

The second important barrier to change is lack of self-confidence. While people want to change, they do not feel confident enough that they will be able to carry it out. Therefore either they shy away from making an attempt or even the minor setbacks devastate them. They give up easily and do not try persistently. They keep on telling themselves ‘you are no good, you will not be able to do anything. It is best to give up and escape the pain of yet another failure.’ If these people can constantly reassure themselves that change will come if they start believing in themselves, their journey towards change and self-growth will be miraculous.

The third crucial barrier to change is drift in focus of attention. Attention is the basic and yet the most significant cognitive capacity to achieve anything. We are a product of our attention. Our attention helps us in registering the problem, understanding it, making a plan and working through it. To solve any problem whether big or small our attention needs to flow in that direction adequately. In present times, due to the information overload and excessive need to indulge in pleasure our attention goes haywire. We acknowledge a problem but soon get distracted and forget the problem at hand. In order to change we need to free our attention from unnecessary engagements and redirect it appropriately. Once attention flows to the right direction it will ensure that the problem is resolved. 

Constant self-awareness and self-analysis is the key to bringing desirable changes in oneself. No one can change us, only we can change ourselves. 

The writer is a Clinical Psychologist in Delhi. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sacred Space: Mars Mission

Mars is there, waiting to be reached.

Buzz Aldrin

We can come up with a working definition of life, which is what we did for the Viking mission to Mars. We said we could think in terms of a large molecule made up of carbon compounds that can replicate, or make copies of itself, and metabolise food and energy. So that’s the thought: macrocolecule, metabolism, replication.

Cyril Ponnamperuma

Mars is the only place in the solar system where it's possible for life to become multi-planetarian.

Elon Musk

We are all...children of this universe. Not just Earth, or Mars, or this system, but the whole grand fireworks. And if we are interested in mars at all, it is only because we wonder over our past and worry terribly about our possible future…However, it's not going to do any good to land on Mars if we're stupid.

Ray Bradbury

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mission Possible: Square Astronaut, Round Hole

The windows of a spaceship casually frame miracles. Every 92 minutes, another sunrise: a layer cake that starts with orange, then a thick wedge of blue, then the richest, darkest icing decorated with stars. The secret patterns of our planet are revealed: mountains bump up rudely from orderly plains, forests are green gashes edged with snow, rivers glint in the sun­light, twisting and turning like silvery worms. Continents splay themselves out whole, surrounded by islands sprinkled across the sea like delicate shards of shattered eggshells.

Floating in the airlock before my first spacewalk, I knew I was on the verge of even rarer beauty. To drift outside, fully immersed in the spectacle of the universe while holding onto a spaceship orbiting Earth at 17,500 miles per hour—it was a moment I’d been dreaming of and working toward most of my life. But poised on the edge of the sublime, I faced a somewhat ridiculous dilemma: How best to get out there? The hatch was small and circular, but with all my tools strapped to my chest and a huge pack of oxygen tanks and electronics strapped onto my back, I was square. Square astro­naut, round hole.

The cinematic moment I’d envisioned when I first became an astronaut, the one where the soundtrack swelled while I ele­gantly pushed off into the jet-black ink of infinite space, would not be happening. Instead, I’d have to wiggle out awkwardly and patiently, focused less on the magical than the mundane: trying to avoid snagging my spacesuit or getting snarled in my tether and presenting myself to the universe trussed up like a roped calf.

Gingerly, I pushed myself out headfirst to see the world in a way only a few dozen humans have, wearing a sturdy jetpack with its own thrusting system and joystick so that if all else failed, I could fire my thrusters, powered by a pressurized tank of nitrogen, and steer back to safety… A pinnacle of experience, an unexpected path.

Square astronaut, round hole. It’s the story of my life, really: trying to figure out how to get where I want to go when just getting out the door seems impossible. On paper, my career tra­jectory looks preordained: engineer, fighter pilot, test pilot, astro­naut -- typical path for someone in this line of work, straight as a ruler. But that’s not how it really was... I wasn’t destined to be an astro­naut. I had to turn myself into one.

I started when I was 9 years old and my family was spending the summer on Stag Island, Ontario. My dad, an airline pilot, was mostly away, flying, but my mom was there, reading in the cool shade of a tall oak whenever she wasn’t chas­ing after the five of us…. We didn’t have a television set but our neighbours did, and very late on the evening of July 20, 1969, we …jammed ourselves into their living room along with just about everybody else on the island. …. Slowly, methodically, a man descended the leg of a spaceship and carefully stepped onto the surface of the Moon. The image was grainy, but I knew we were seeing the impossible, made possible. The room erupted in amazement. The adults shook hands, the kids yelped and whooped. Somehow, we felt as if we were up there with Neil Armstrong, changing the world…

At that moment, I knew with absolute clarity, that I wanted to be an astronaut. Excerpt from the Introduction to An Astronaut’s Guide To Life On Earth, Pan Macmillan India

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sacred Space: When It Rains

The clouds pour their rain down upon the earth, but isn't there water within the earth as well? Water is contained within the earth; without feet, the clouds run around and let down their rain.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib

God descends to earth like fresh spring rain, and at every level his grace is received differently. For some it feels like love, for others like salvation. It feels like safety and warmth at one level, like coming home at another.

Deepak Chopra

The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

Shakespeare, The Merchant Of Venice 

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.

H W Longfellow

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

Langston Hughes

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Artistry Of The Cosmic Mind

The art of living consists in learning to experience meaning and beauty never known before, which brings with it a feeling of refreshment and, depending on the level, even a feeling of ecstasy. Those who went deep into this subject of ancient India said that experience of the unseen and unknown at deep levels, beyond the world of materiality and the world of thinking and image-making, is the  purpose of true art.  Image making is a product of remembered experience, of the past.  It appertains to the conditioned mind and not to an awakening in consciousness.

Newness experienced in deep perception and relationship is truly creative. There are many things that go by the name of art, but often such ‘art’ is merely a matter of acquiring the skill to produce varied types of objects and stimulate the senses.  The creativity of real art, on the other hand, uplifts the consciousness of the viewer or subject above the feeling, ‘I am in this time and space’.   It therefore conveys the flavour of a spiritual world in which the ‘i’ does not exist, a world of light, beauty, peace and the values that belong to timelessness.  How can we learn this art, the greatest of all arts, embracing and including all other arts as masters of yore have done?

All non-human living beings on earth unconsciously manifest the artistry of the cosmic mind.  A plant absorbs nourishment from earth and sun and is transformed unfailingly into a form of beauty.  The songs of birds and the movements of animals are sources of joy and beauty, but without any intention on their part.  Human beings, however, being alienated from Nature, at least for the time being cannot do this.  We have a different role.  In The Secret Doctrine, Madame Blavatsky declares that every creature must pass through the human stage, where unconscious fulfilment of the purposes of Nature is replaced by creative action arising out of full awareness.  Not realising this, man creates chaos outside and inside himself, of struggle and suffering.  To emerge from this chaos, he must understand his position in the great plan of life. He must study attentively, understand life’s purpose and become one with it, just as a member of a great orchestra becomes one with the totality of the music created.

At the present stage of evolution, thinking dominates our lives at the expense of other faculties. Therefore human society has become lopsided and unbalanced.  Creative living demands inner equilibrium and use of higher faculties of perception, free of thought processes.  Great artists have testified that their work is merely the visible expression of what is revealed to them at a subtle level.  Within a piece of crude stone, for example, the sculptor may already see a form of beauty.  When the physical brain is not at work, insight into the essence of things happens in silence…     

We can call such awareness ‘love’, because when there is real love, not worldly love, there is a meeting of the soul with the hidden sense of life…So the art of living is the art of loving.  Love does not come by wishing; we cannot say ‘I will love’ and love.  Like the artist, we must work for it for long hours to gain the interior vision, and share with others the beauty and truth perceived.  When purified, consciousness is open to forms of beauty, subtle sounds and truths at deeper levels.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sacred Space: Ode to the Sun

Bliss, knowledge and wisdom are Sun himself. I bow to Mitra, Bhanu, to the shining one, the cause of the universe and let Him protect me from death.

Atharva Veda

He who is in the fire, and he who is here in the heart, and he who is yonder in the sun - he is One.

Maitri Upanishad

Even after all this time

The sun never says to the

earth, "You owe Me".

Look what happens with

A love like that,

It lights the Whole Sky.


The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.

R W Emerson

Darkness no longer exists when the sun has risen. Similarly, when one has tasted undifferentiated bliss, no bondage or trace of suffering remains.

Adi Shankara

If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Divine And The Demonic

Each human being is a fascinating combination of divine and demonic qualities. We all have the devil in us; something that makes us pursue self-destructive ways. Yet, even the worst among us has extraordinarily divine traits. Our success depends on how well we are able to operate out of our own goodness and marginalise the demonic qualities. Bhagwad Gita Chapter 16 enumerates 26 qualities of the divine and six qualities of the demonic. Krishna assures Arjuna that he is born of divine temperament.

Some divine qualities listed are fearlessness, purity of heart and charity. Most people are materialistic, chasing the world for happiness. Those who turn spiritual are driven by fear of retribution. Worship must be backed by love, not fear. Purity of heart comes with freedom from selfishness and desire. Lower desires go when you are inspired with a higher goal. Charity comes from recognising the infinite benevolence of nature. Yet people visit places of worship only to ask for more. True prayer is acknowledgement of what you already have and the desire to share, serve, and contribute to the less privileged. You become rich by what you give. The attitude of grabbing impoverishes you.

The basic difference between divine and demonic is knowledge. The divine have access to higher knowledge while the demonic, deluded by greed, lust and ego are ignorant of their potential. They do not know what they ought to do and what they should not do. Impure and lacking in good conduct, they declare that the world is meaningless, brought about by lustful union. Resorting to insatiable desire, of scant discrimination and savage deeds, such people cause destruction to themselves and others.

You are a combination of matter and Spirit. You know only matter. You have no inkling of the Spirit in you. Yet because Atman, Spirit, is our original nature It makes Its presence felt. Thus you attribute the glory, magnificence and grandeur of Atman to your individual personality. Worse still, you project the dependence, weakness and finitude of the body, mind and intellect to Atman. This is moha, delusion. The way out is knowledge -- of the distinction between matter and Spirit. Then there is no more confusion; misery and grief vanish and you get established in happiness.

It all begins with a thought. You experience a sense of emptiness within and thoughts go out into the world to acquire objects and beings. You believe, wrongly, that acquisition of worldly objects will fill the void. You give in to sensual pleasures. One indulgence leads to another and before long you are enmeshed in the web of delusion, moha jala....You get addicted to sense gratification and go into a downward spiral. You lead a stressful life devoid of vitality, cheer and growth.Ignorant of your divine birthright you go through the endless cycle of birth and death....

Having described the perils of yielding to devilish tendencies Krishna urges you to free yourself from the three gates of darkness – desire, anger and greed. Anger and greed are mutations of desire so it is desire that needs to be combated and overcome. Yet desire is encouraged, fanned, and promoted. Nobody understands the devastating effects of desire, your greatest enemy. The doors to your soul are kept shut and you live and die without even a glimpse of your own power and magnificence.

If you follow your divine nature you do yourself good and uplift others as well. You live a life of success and happiness and eventually transcend the world to attain liberation. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

SACRED SPACE:Practising Yoga

As a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, such is the disciplined mind of a yogi practising meditation on Self. 

Bhagwad Gita 6.19

To live immaculate amidst impurities of the world--this is true yoga practice.

Adi Granth

Yoga is the cessation of movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the seer's own form.


He who practises yoga does two things with one stroke: he simplifies his whole life and he gets free access to the Divine.

Sri Chinmoy

The word yoga means skill - skill to live your life, to manage your mind, to deal with your emotions, to be with people, to be in love and not let that love turn into hatred.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yoga is not a religion. It is a science of well-being and youthfulness, integrating body, mind and soul.

Amit Ray

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How To Find Out Your True Value

Three things are regarded as priceless, as they come about due to the grace of the Supreme Being:  Human birth, longing for liberation and the protective care of an enlightened guru. Despite having been blessed by human birth, the one who does not make efforts to realise the Self, ‘kills’ himself by clinging  to things unreal. 

Once a disciple of Guru Nanakdev asked him: “What is the value of human birth ’?  Before answering this question, Nanak handed over a diamond to the disciple and asked him to have it evaluated in the market to find out its price. 

As instructed, the disciple took the diamond to the market and began showing it to different shopkeepers. He first went to the fruit-seller, asking him, ‘what shall you give me in return for this’?  ‘I will give you three apples in exchange for this diamond’, said the fruit-seller.  Next, he went to a tomato-seller and placed before him the same question. ‘I will give you five kilos of tomatoes in exchange for the diamond’, said the tomato-seller.  The disciple then went to a   jeweller, requesting him to appraise the diamond. After examining the diamond, the jeweller offered to him Rs 20,000/-. The disciple then got the diamond evaluated by several jewellers and each offered him a little more money, the maximum being Rs 50,000/-. 

Finally, the disciple went to the most renowned and reputed jeweller in town and requested him to value its price. The jeweller placed the diamond on his palm and, after examining it very closely he was struck with awe and kept gazing at it in disbelief.  The jeweller finally said: “O brother, don’t ever think of selling this diamond. It is priceless.” 

Bringing the diamond back to Nanakdev, the disciple narrated to him the entire experience. Nanak then remarked: “Hope you now understand the value of being born as a human being.”  

The human body, says Swami Vivekananda, is “the greatest body in the universe, and a human being is the greatest being. Even the devas, gods, will have to come down again and attain salvation through a human body.”

In the Bhagavata Purana  it is stated  that  human life is unattainable even to the gods and that such life  is attained only  after going through  84 lakh births as different species. Therefore, it would be foolish to fritter away the precious moments of one’s life in pursuit of transitory objects of the world. 

Life, youth, wealth, kinsfolk, spouse and children are all akin to the  shadow of a fickle cloud. These are like a mirage that appears under the influence of the deluding power (maya) of the Lord which has no real existence.  The glitter of the world is just like coating of nectar on the surface of a poisonous jar. Although the world seems bewitching, everything we see here is perishable.  

Kabir sang, “You are like a traveller who comes and goes. You accumulate wealth and take pride in your riches. But when you leave, you will take nothing with you. You came into this world with your fists clenched, but when you go your hands will be open”.  

Therefore, wake up from your slumber; adopt an attitude of dispassion; and make the best of this priceless human birth by delving deep into the innermost chambers of your heart  through meditation and realising the eternal Self. Post your comments at

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sacred Space: State Vs Individual

Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous to governments – and to organised religions as well. That is why governments and religious organisations seek to control education.

J Krishnamurti

Every true man is a cause, a country, and an age; requires infinite spaces and numbers and time fully to accomplish his design…Let a man then know his worth, and keep things under his feet.

Ralph W Emerson 

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.

Ronald Reagan

The cult of the individual is killing us. I think Twitter signals the death of western civilisation, but people have been saying that since Demosthenes.

Kate Atkinson

Flowers don't open to the clock

but to the sunshine spontaneous;

for modern humans that manner

of instinct is now extraneous.

Terri Guillemets